PART 1 - The Rescue
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The snow is heavy and wet, piling up in drifts, and the air is frigid, like a knife cutting through your bones. You're chilled, tired, and weary from your journey over the mountains and through the deep forest. You trudge through the snow, sinking up to your knees in cold white powder. The air feels like it's in your lungs, all sharp edges and frozen, gnawing at your throat with icy teeth. The cave is dim, illuminated by a campfire and the light from the outside. Vines hang from the ceiling and roots crisscross in the rocky ground. You step inside and notice that you were not its first visitor. Various tools lie discarded next to trash—empty food wrappers, bottles, and cans. A single cold campfire stands in the center of the stone floor. However, one item stands out—a note on the floor.
Frantically, looking at the note, revealing the whereabouts of the wolves,”We got them now.” Looking up to the ceiling in frustration, shrugging your shoulders knowing what needs to be done. Focused like a hawk, you are searching the house for clues to their whereabouts getting angry that it looks like a dead end. Looking out the frozen window you see it - two separate sets of footprints... A clue that would lead you to the regaining of the wolves and on further inspection it’s revealed to be the footprints of the Weiss Twins oversized feet - Notorious wolf Hunters. They discovered that the wolves becomes obedient in the presence of bones but they can be perfectly controlled in the presence of gold bones. The twins destroyed the house of the wolves in the process making it easy to capture them. On knowing this, you gathered your tools which entails of ropes, flashlights, protective gear, a fire starter and dampened cotton balls... Following the trail it led you to an abandoned house. Approaching the house eagerly awaiting for anything. Now, sneakily, moving around in the house searching for signs of the twins or the wolves - not even three steps in and there the hunters were sleeping. One brother was sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor while the other brother slept on a sofa. While looking through the house you spot a cage with the wolves. Pinned to the front of the cage were golden bones ensuring the wolves were truly trapped. Using quick wits, a blanket was lit on fire using the fire starter then, using your elbow, broke a window and tossed-in the lit blanket. Running around the house you attempt to pull the bones off the cage, putting all of your force into it until successfully prying the bones off the cage. Looking through the back window, the twins are arguing while simultaneously trying to put out the fire, using the cover of the smoke to escape into the night with the wolves.